If you find yourself paying a lot of money for your home insurance premiums every year, you are not alone. A number of different factors can affect the price of your home insurance, including your credit score, the condition of your house, and where you live. It can definitely be frustrating shelling out hundreds of dollars a month for your premiums. However, if you are willing to make a few changes, you may be able to cut your home insurance costs.
Install a Security System
Burglaries can happen in the safest neighborhoods. The mere thought of a stranger breaking into your home and threatening your family is scary. If you install a security alarm system in your house, you can protect your belongings and family members. The system will sound off and alert authorities if someone tries to break into your home. Investing in a security alarm system can also reduce your home insurance premiums. Your insurance company knows that you will be less likely to file claims, so they may be willing to reduce your rates.
Improve Your Credit Score
A low credit score affects more than just your ability to qualify for loans; it can also raise your insurance rates. Insurance companies consider people with low credit scores bigger risks, so they tend to charge them higher premiums. If you currently have a poor credit score, you should make an effort to improve it. Make sure to pay all of your bills on time and to make more than the minimum payments on your credit card bills.
Make Your Home More Disaster Resistant
Another way to score cheaper premiums is to make your house more disaster resistant. For example, you could add storm shutters to protect your home from strong wind and rain. If your insurance company sees that you are making an effort to protect your home against natural disasters, they may give you a discount.
Take Your Dog to Obedience School
If you have an aggressive dog breed, you may get charged more money for your home insurance premiums. However, that does not necessarily mean you have to give up your dog. Instead, you can take your dog to obedience school. If you show proof to your insurance company that your dog completed obedience school, they may be willing to reduce your insurance rates.
Think Twice About Filing Small Claims
If you file too many claims in a year, your insurance company may try to raise your rates. That is why you may want to avoid filing claims for damages you can pay out of your own pocket. If the cost to repair something in your home is not much more than your deductible, you may be better off covering the cost on your own.
Ask About Other Discounts
When you talk to your insurance agent, do not ever be afraid to inquire about discounts you may qualify for. For instance, if you are retired, your insurance company might be able to reduce your home insurance premiums. As a retired person, you likely stay at home more often and are therefore less likely to experience burglaries. You may also qualify for a discount if there is no smoking in your house or you haven't filed a claim in several years.
You don't have to continue paying through the roof for your home insurance. If you follow these useful tips, you can reduce your home insurance premiums and have more money in your bank account. If you have questions about your home insurance options, visit a site like http://gateway-insurance.com and do not hesitate to contact an insurance agent.
Share10 July 2017
When I lost my job, I also lost my health insurance. I've never had to buy health insurance on my own before, so when I went to my insurance agent, I had no idea where to start. The coverage options, deductibles, co-pays, and premiums were confusing. I wasn't sure how to make sense of all of the tiers and doctor's networks. I created this site to help others who've never purchased health insurance before. The posts here are full of resources for insurance coverage, and I hope that it will help you to find the policy that's right for you.