Understanding High Risk Insurance And Where To Get It

Insurance Blog

Drivers who had had some incidents on their record often need to get auto insurance that is specifically for high-risk drivers. The insurance company rates drivers by the number and the type of incidents on your driving record. The type of insurance required for the driver is based on this rating.

Liability and Insurance Cost

When the insurance company considers a driver high-risk, the decision is often based on the liability of covering that driver with insurance and the chance of having to pay out a large settlement or award after an accident. If the insurance company believes you are more likely to get into trouble on the road than other drivers, they may opt to classify you as a high-risk driver and put you on a high-risk insurance plan. The insurance plan is often higher-priced and the coverage may have some limitations on it, so be sure that you understand the plan before you commit to it. 

Factors for Rating Risk

Some of the factors that may come into play when the insurance companies are considering your risk are your credit rating, the type of car you drive, and your driving history. If you are not sure how these will apply to your rating, talk with the insurance agent about the specific concerns you have and they can explain them to you. An extremely high-performance car and a history of speeding may be reason enough for the insurance company to consider a driver high risk.

Lowering Your Risk

If you have been rated as high risk, there are some things you can do. to help lower your rating. Drivers that go accident without additional accidents or infractions can lower their high-risk status. In every state, there is a time limit that driving infractions can remain on a driver's record. If you can avoid any new infractions until the old ones drop off, the insurance company will most likely lower your rating.

Over time the rating can drop enough to lower your insurance cost and save you some money. The insurance coverage may improve as well so talk to your insurance company about the amount of time it takes for infractions to come off your record. Some infractions may come off your record sooner than other infractions, but once they come off the record, it is critical to keep them off so you do not end up with high-risk status again. For more information, ask your insurance provider about high-risk insurance.


23 July 2019

Health Insurance Haze: Clarifying The Policy Information

When I lost my job, I also lost my health insurance. I've never had to buy health insurance on my own before, so when I went to my insurance agent, I had no idea where to start. The coverage options, deductibles, co-pays, and premiums were confusing. I wasn't sure how to make sense of all of the tiers and doctor's networks. I created this site to help others who've never purchased health insurance before. The posts here are full of resources for insurance coverage, and I hope that it will help you to find the policy that's right for you.