Securing quality auto insurance coverage not only ensures that you remain in compliance with local laws but also ensures that you are protected against financial loss in the event of an accident. That being said, chances are you don't want to spend any more on auto insurance than you have to each month. Thankfully, there are few easy steps you can take to secure the lowest possible price next time you get an auto insurance quote.
Ask About Multi-Policy Discounts
It is quite common for individuals to carry multiple types of insurance coverage. For instance, in addition to your auto insurance coverage, you may also require homeowners or renters insurance as well. When you purchase more than one policy from the same company, they will often offer you what is known as a multi-policy discount. If this discount is not automatically included in your insurance quote, be sure to inquire about the availability of this type of discount, as some companies will need to add the discount manually as a promotional offer.
Get Your Insurance Quote Online
People often turn to online insurance quotes out of convenience. However, as it turns out, there may be an even better reason to get your next insurance quote online. In order to encourage more people to make use of online services, many insurance companies are now offering discounts to individuals who get their quotes and purchase their policies online. The amount of this discount will vary from company to company, but can often result in some rather significant savings.
Just remember, in order to qualify for the discount, you may need to follow through with purchasing the policy online. Therefore, if you do need to call in to speak with an agent regarding coverage options or other questions you may have, you will need to remember to return to the online venue to finish your purchase in order to get credit for any online-only pricing incentives.
Be Sure To Accurately Report Daily Mileage
Insurance companies base the quotes they give on how big of a risk a person poses in terms of filing a claim against the policy. When it comes to auto insurance, the more time you spend on the road, the higher your risk assessment will be. This is why insurance companies typically ask questions, such as what the primary use of your vehicle is, and how many miles you travel back and forth to work each day. If you typically travel short distances, being sure that your daily mileage has been accurately reported can help you to secure a lower insurance quote.
Share5 April 2021
When I lost my job, I also lost my health insurance. I've never had to buy health insurance on my own before, so when I went to my insurance agent, I had no idea where to start. The coverage options, deductibles, co-pays, and premiums were confusing. I wasn't sure how to make sense of all of the tiers and doctor's networks. I created this site to help others who've never purchased health insurance before. The posts here are full of resources for insurance coverage, and I hope that it will help you to find the policy that's right for you.